Murray Scher
B.A., History
City College of New York, New York, New York
M.A., Guidance and Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York
Ph.D., Counseling Psychology
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
6/72 – present
Independent practice of Psychology
Greeneville and Jonesborough, Tennessee
Austin, Texas
7/89 – present
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry, Quillen College of Medicine, East Tennessee State University,
Johnson City, Tennessee
9/71 – 8/82
Professor of Psychology and Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
Tusculum College,
Greeneville, Tennessee
9/70 – 8/71
Counseling-Psychological Services Center, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas
9/69 – 8/70
Research Associate
Extension Teaching and Field Service Bureau, University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas
9/66 – 8/68
Director of Residence
Newing College of Harpur College State University of New York at Binghamton,
Binghamton, New York
10/64 – 8/66
Assistant Manager
College Memorial Center, Queens College,
Flushing, New York
American Academy of Psychotherapists
American Psychological Association
Licensed Psychologist,
State of Tennessee, 1972-Present
State of Texas, 2013-Present
President, American Academy of Psychotherapists, 1998-2000
Invited presentation, Division 51, American Psychological Association, Chicago, 1997.
Invited keynote address, Division 51, American Psychological Association, Toronto, 1996
Presentation of more than forty papers at professional conferences
Examiner, oral examination of applicants for licensing as psychologists in Tennessee, 1977-1998
Member, Executive Council, American Academy of Psychotherapists, 1991-1996
Member, Committee on Independent Practice, Division 17, American Psychological Association, 1992-1994
Member, East Tennessee Ethics Committee, Tennessee Psychological Association, 1991-Present
Special Projects Editor, VOICES, Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, 1985-1987
Member, Editorial Board, VOICES, Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, 1995-Present
Consulting Editor, Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 2000 – Present
Member, Editorial Board, The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1981-1985
Chair, Standing Committee for Men, American College Personnel Association, 1982-1984
Member, Directorate Body, Commission VII (Counseling), American College Personnel Association, 1978-1982
Member, National Advisory Council, Strengthening Institutions through Improved Retention (USOE funded program), 1978-79.
Consultant, 1979-81
Grant Evaluator, National Science Foundation, Comprehensive Assistance to Undergraduate Science Education (CAUSE) Program, Los Angeles, California, 1976
Instructional Scientific Equipment Program (ISEP), Dallas, Texas, 1977
Member, Committee on Prevention, Division 17, American Psychological Association, 1975-76
Psychological Consultant, Upward Bound Program, Tusculum College, June 1974-August 1974; June 1979; June 1980; June 1981
Field faculty member, Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont. Supervision of Master’s Degree work of a student enrolled in the graduate school of Goddard College, 1972-73.
American Academy of Psychotherapists, 2008.
Division 51, American Psychological Association,
Practitioner of the Year, 1998
Division 51, American Psychological Association.
James A. Dashiell Award
American Academy of Psychotherapists, Paper on Psychotherapy and AIDS, 1993.
Books and Monographs:
Gilbert, L.A. & Scher, M. (1999). Gender and Sex in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
May, R. & Scher, M. (Eds.) (1988). Changing men in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Scher, M., Stevens, M., Good, G. & Eichenfield, G. (Eds.) (1987). Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy with Men. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Special Journal Issues Editor:
Scher, M & Burns, T.J. (2015). Fiction and Psychotherapy. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 51, (3).
Scher, M. (1994). Editor, Reflections on Therapist Gender. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 30, (3).
Scher, M. & Good, G.E. (1990). Special Feature: Gender Issues in Counseling. Journal of Counseling and Development. 68, (4).
Scher, M. (Ed.). (1981). Counseling Males. The Personnel and Guidance Journal. 60, (4).
Scher, M. (2001). Male Therapist/Male Client: Reflections on Critical Dynamics. In Brooks, G. & Good, G.E. (eds.). A New Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy for Men. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Scher, M., Canon, H., & Stevens, M. (1988). New perspectives on masculinity in the college environment. In May, R. & Scher, M. Changing Men in Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Scher, M. (2017). An Aging Therapist Goes for Therapy. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 53, (3) 57-60.
Scher, M. (2017). Taking a Chance on Love: Self-Revelation in Psychotherapy. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 53 (2) 53-55.
Scher, M. (2014). Inevitable Losses. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 50, (2) 57-61.
Koile, E.A., Gilbert, L.A., Scher, M. (2011) The Magic Shop. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 47, (1) 6-14.
Scher, M. (2008). Letters to the Departed. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 44, (3) 49-50.
Scher, M. (2008). A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 44, (2) 90-92.
Scher, M. (2005). The Revenge of Forgiveness. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 41, (3) 47-51.
Scher, M. (2003). The Pen and the Sword. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 39, (3) 54-56.
Scher, M. (2001). Presidential Address. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 37, (1) 87-89.
Scher, M. (2000). Me and Damocles. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 36, (4) 73-76.
Scher, M. (1998). Fathering: A Tool of the Trade. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 34, (2) 13-16.
Atkins, S., Mulgrew, J., & Scher, M. (1997). Dreams without Interpretation: Dreamwork of Bingham Dai. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 33, (2) 47-53.
Scher, M. (1996). Therapist Gender and the Dynamics of Counseling: A Journal Entry. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED No. CG026974).
Scher, M. (1995). Response to Case Presentation. International Journal of Psychotherapy and Critical Thought. 3, (3) 23-24.
Scher, M. (1995). When the Therapist is Aged. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 31, (4) 14.
Scher, M. (1995). Power to the Bitch: Male perspectives on power sharing in marriage. Journal of Couples Therapy. 5, 99-109.
Scher, M. (1994). Drowning in a Sea of Letters. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 30, (1) 88-92.
Scher, M. & Gilbert, L.A. (1993). Trust and faith: A tribute to a mentor. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 29, (3) 5-9.
Scher, M. (1993). Men & boys, myths and mythic proportions: A rejoinder to Kelly and Hall. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 15, 290-297.
Scher, M. (1992). The empty nest father. Journal of Men’s Studies. 1, 195-200.
Scher, M., (1992). Words to live by. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 28, (2) 80.
Scher, M. (1992). Life in the slow lane: An Appalachian Experience. The Private Practitioner. 10, 37-59.
Scher, M. (1992). Eros in my consulting room. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 28, (1) 29-33.
Scher, M. (1991). Love and Marriage: An inquiry into the longevity of a relationship. Journal of Couples Therapy. 2, 93-103.
Good, G.E., Scher, M., & Gilbert, L.A. (1991). Gender Aware Therapy: Implications for therapists and male clients. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 327 771).
Scher, M. (1990). Effects of gender role incongruities on men’s experience as clients in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy. 27, 322-326.
Scher, M. & Good, G.E. (1990). Gender and counseling in the twenty-first century: What does the future hold? Journal of Counseling and Development. 68, 388-391.
Good, G.E., Gilbert, L.A., & Scher, M. (1990). Gender aware therapy: A synthesis of feminist therapy and knowledge about gender. Journal of Counseling and Development. 68, 376-380.
Scher, M. (1989). In pursuit of romantic love. Nurturing Today. 10, 15, 25.
Gilbert, L.A. & Scher, M. (1987). The power of an unconscious belief: Male entitlement and sexual intimacy with clients. Professional Practice of Psychology. 8, 94-108.
Scher, M. & Stevens, M. (1987). Men and Violence. Journal of Counseling and Development. 65, 351-355.
Scher, M. (1987). Peer support: A tale of two groups. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 23, (2) 57-58.
Scher, M. (1986). Letter from San Diego. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 21, (2) 92-96.
Scher, M. (1986). Women in love: Three cases of obsession. The Psychotherapy Patient. 3, 29-35.
Scher, M. (1985). Letter from Chicago. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 20, (4) 86-89.
Scher, M. (1984). Men in therapy: commonalities and politics. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 20, (3) 41-45.
Scher, M. (1983). Thoughts on mentoring and nurturing psychotherapists. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 19, (3) 23-28.
Scher, M. (1982). Therapists and psychotherapy. The Personnel and Guidance Journal. 61, 244-246.
Scher, M. (1982). A midlife transition for a therapist. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 18, (1) 21-26.
Scher, M. (1981). Men in hiding: A challenge for counselors. The Personnel and Guidance Journal. 60, 199-202.
Scher, M. (1981). An outreach program for drama students. Journal of Specialists in Group Work. 6, 115-120.
Scher, M. (1980). Men and intimacy: implications for the counseling psychologist. Resources in Education. (ERIC), RIE, ED 200882.
Scher, M. (1980). Men and Intimacy. Counseling and Values. 25, 62-68.
Scher, M. (1980). The art of gentle persistence: A therapeutic necessity. Voices: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 15, (4) 67-73.
Scher, M. (1979). A note on self-pity and self-indulgence. Counseling and Values. 24, 48-50.
Scher, M., and Barr, M.J. (1979). Beyond graduate school: Strategies for survival. Journal of College Student Personnel. 20, 529-533.
Scher, M. (1979). A small college deals with student retention. Journal of College Student Personnel. 20, 176.
Scher, M. (1979). On counseling men. The Personnel and Guidance Journal. 57, 252-254.
Scher, M. (1979). The little boy in the adult male client. The Personnel and Guidance Journal. 57, 537-539.
Scher, M. (1975). Verbal activity, sex, counselor experience and success in counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 22, 97-101.
Barron, W.E., Scher, M., and Stedman, K.D. (1972). Guidance and counseling in adult basic education. In C. Klevins (Ed.), Materials and methods in adult education. Canoga Park, California: Klevens Publications.
Scher, M. (1968). Establishing guidelines for a student-administration housing committee. Journal of the National Association of Women Deans and Counselors. 31, 90-93.
Book and Movie Reviews:
Scher, J. (2010). Love in the Time of Plethora. A review of two movies, The Last Station, I Am Love. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 46 (2), 82-85.
Scher, M. (1998). Where There’s Hope, There’s Sex. A review of Levant, R.F. and Brooks, G.R. Men and Sex: New Psychological Perspectives. Contemporary Psychology. 43, 690-691.
Scher, M. (1998) Review of Brazier, D., Zen Therapy: Transcending the Sorrows of the Human Mind. VOICES: Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. 34, (1) 34.
Scher, M. (1994) Review of Pittman, F.S., Man Enough. Contemporary Psychology. 39, (1) 133.
Scher, M. (1978). Review of Newman, M. & Berkowitz, B., How to take charge of your life. Phi Kappa Phi Journal. 58, 43.
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Couples Therapy
- Psychological Supervision
- Consultation